We Are Family

We Are Family

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year

Well, the new year is already almost a month underway and I still am having a really hard time trying to figure out how to do this blogging thing.  First my camera shutter broke and now my printer is down.  One of the joys of having children. But as we all know this too shall pass. So lets catch up on some of my crafting.  I've been designing photo trees and custom memory books and shadowboxes for friends and I must say that I am quite happy with the inprovement in many of my skills.  My newest toy is a Gypsy which I have absolutely no idea how to use but I plan to experiment with it very soon.  Some of the most fun and the most frustration come when I am trying to master a new technique or tool.  For me its not just the finished product that gives me the most satisfaction but also trying new things and thinking outside the box.  I've been working with many different materials in my scrapbooking, from fabic to vinyl and stone, metal etc.  What fun.  I hope to be able to share some pictures with you soon and will start recruiting some followers. Thanks for tuning in and I'll be back soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, sorry about that. Didn't mean to delete my comment. I was trying to do too many things at once and got distracted by my toddler.

    What I was trying to say was: Congratulations on starting a blog. You have a nice template and I know you'll do good work. Super cute layout! I'm happy to be following you!
