We Are Family

We Are Family

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Designer update

Well good morning friends. This is going to be the first of my daily entries so that I can get used to using this blog as a way to share with all of you. First , I just wanted to share about our first designer training program with Megan Elizabeth, who is an awesome teacher and motivator by the way. It was basically a goal setting session that hopefully inspired everyone to reach for their dreams. I cannot wait to actually be able to exeriment a whole lot with the new products. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I've just become a designer for square1. Square 1 is a totally safe and repositionable alternative to vinyl, which can be used for many kinds of home decor. I am totally a fan because pvcs are such a big deal now. They have been proven to cause many different kinds of illnesses and have been removed from many places, such as schools. Square 1 is a tightly woven fabric that you can use for things, such as those cool wall quotes, safely. It is removable and can be printed on with photos, pictures, phrases, whatever you can imagine. More to come on this product soon. I also can't wait to combine it with some of my Close to my Heart products which I sell also and absolutely love. You can visit my online business address @ CTMH moments to remember with Debbie. I love crafting of almost any kind and wish that I could do only this all of the time but I have a regular job so my crafting time is limited. This is my attempt to change that and if I can inspire you in any way, then I have accomplished my mission. I always try to encourage my children to think outside the box, the youngest at home are 7 & 13, and I hope that they learn as much from me everyday as I learn from them. Stay tuned for further updates, photos and I hope tutorials. Relax, have fun and remember the moments.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Well guess what friends. Here I go again trying to make this blog a reality.  I really want to share with you what makes me happy.  Crafting.  I love to try new things.  I am basically a scrapbooker/mixed media artist but I just love making things with my own two hands.  I've decided to jump in to a new skill set as a designer for a new product out there called square one.  They make the most amazing fabric that is a safe repositionable alternative to vinyl.  The uses are endless and as I experiment with it I want to share it with you.  I'm going to try to stop in at least a few times a week until I can do this blog with my eyes closed.  Keep your fingers crossed and remember the moments.  See you soon.